You can find this TV in our list of Online Stores in USA .
Technology: LED, micordimming
Screen-size: 32, 40, 48, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 75in
3D: no
CMR: 240Hz
Processor: Quad-Core
Other Specs:
- 4x HDMI
- 3x USB
- SmartTV
- Wi-Fi
- Web Browser
- Audio 10W x2
We recommend you visit our buying guide LED TV 2014 before choosing a LED TV
Difference between Samsung H6350 vs H6400
- You can visit our post with the comparative: Samsung H6400 vs H6350
Our opinion is very positive. The Samsung H6350 is an excellent TV for users who need a great TV at a low budget. In this model we sacrifice 3D technology and some other extra to get a more competitive price, or get a larger TV. If we want a 3D TV must seek the Samsung H6400. Anyway this LED TV model is well advised by their 2D picture quality and good SmartTV.
Models name:- Samsung UN32H6350
- Samsung UN40H6350
- Samsung UN48H6350
- Samsung UN50H6350
- Samsung UN55H6350
- Samsung UN60H6350
- Samsung UN65H6350
- Samsung UN75H6350
You can visit our list with All models Samsung LED TV 2014 U.S.
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