Our opinion Sony W800C 2015 fullHD (recommended)

The Sony W800C is a TV 2015 model with full HD resolution. This TV is one of the best LED HDTV that can be purchased during 2015-2016, the top models are all 4K resolution. The Sony W800C is a SmartTV: AndoridTV the new platform also incorporates 3D technology. The refresh rate is 120Hz, but with 960 Motion Flow, ideal for watching sports or action movies. The picture quality is good, Sony offers an Edge LED panel which may present a problem of uniformity, but in principle the quality should be good, one of the best in FullHD 2015.

VA Edge LED Frame Dimming
Screen-size: 50 and 55 inch
Resolution Full HD 1920x1080
3D: Active
MotionFlow: 960Hz
Refresh Rate: 120Hz
Processor: X-Reality Pro
SmartTV: Android TV 5.0
Other Specs:
  • 4x HDMI
  • 2x USB
  • Audio 20W
Official WebSite (Full specs)

50” diag. Android LED HDTV, 27-KDL50W800C, , Main View, V500 Main View V500
Sony W800C (sony.com)
Other HDTVs similar to Sony W800C:
We recommend you visit our buying guide LED TV 2015 before choosing a LED TV
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Our opinion on the Sony W800C is very good. We believe this is the best HD TV as 2D image of 2015. The VA panel technology provides excellent contratse Edge LED and a TV that looks good on dark and illuminated rooms. The Sony W800C is a TV with extras, AndroidTV Smart is the new platform, he still has to grow, and the 3D is good, but should be considered an extra. We recommend you buy this TV if you do not want a 4K.

Models name:
  • Sony KDL-43W800C
  • Sony KDL-50W800C
  • Sony KDL-55W800C
You can visit our list with All models Sony LED TV 2015 U.S.
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July 23, 2015 at 9:37 AM delete

Is Sony W800C good for PS4 too? What's the input lag?

July 28, 2015 at 9:22 AM delete


The input lag of Sony W800C is under 40ms, good for PS$ but too much if you are a real gamer.


