Difference LG 7000 series 2014: LB7100 vs LB7200

LG LB7100 vs LB7200?
The difference between the LG LB7100 and LB7200 is Audio Output Power, the LB7200 model offers 24W (Subwoofer), whereas the LB7100 is 20W. We recommend buying the LB7200 model if you do not have an external audio at home, if you have an external audio our advice is that you should buy the LG LB7100.
There is no other difference between these models, but the TVs LG 7000 series are available in different sizes:
  • LG LB7100 60, 65 and 70 inches
  • LG LB7200 55 inches
You can read our full review these models:
  • LG LB7100 review
  • LG LB7200 review
LG LB7100 (lg.com/us)

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