You can find this TV in our list of Online Stores in USA .
Screen-size: 39, 50, 55 and 60 inches.
Technology: LED
Resolution: Full HD
BLB: 240Hz
3D: -
Smart TV: Viera Connect
Other Features:
Design Panasonic AS530U
Other TV similar to Panasonic AS530U?
Our opinion about the Panasonic AS530E is generally good, especially because it has a good 2D image, the contrast is good and just misses a bit when the image is very colorful. The Panaosnic AS530U has Viera Connect Smart TV, which is useful but considerably worse than Samsung or LG. The value of input lag is 50ms, so it's not a TV recommended for gamers. The price is quite low for a Panasonic TV, but we recommend you review the Sony W600B before buying the Panasonic AS530U.
Models Name:
Screen-size: 39, 50, 55 and 60 inches.
Technology: LED
Resolution: Full HD
BLB: 240Hz
3D: -
Smart TV: Viera Connect
Other Features:
- Wi-Fi
- Web Browser
- 2x HDMI
- 2xUSB
- Audio 20W
- Official WebSite (Full specs)
Design Panasonic AS530U
Other TV similar to Panasonic AS530U?
Our opinion about the Panasonic AS530E is generally good, especially because it has a good 2D image, the contrast is good and just misses a bit when the image is very colorful. The Panaosnic AS530U has Viera Connect Smart TV, which is useful but considerably worse than Samsung or LG. The value of input lag is 50ms, so it's not a TV recommended for gamers. The price is quite low for a Panasonic TV, but we recommend you review the Sony W600B before buying the Panasonic AS530U.
- Panasonic 39AS530U
- Panasonic 50AS530U
- Panasonic 55AS530U
- Panasonic 60AS530U
You can visit our list with All models LED TV of Panasonic 2014 in U.S.