Samsung H5003: just to watch the televison (No Smart no 3D)

The Samsung H5003 is a HDTV without 3D and without SmartTV. It is a TV with no extras, but it's a quality brand. The Samsung H5003 is only available in 40-inch, if we want the same model but larger, you should seek the Samsung H5005. This is one of the cheaper Samsung 2014 TVs. Connections are 2xHDMI and 1xUSB, and the image quality is good for a TV of this price.

You can find this TV in our list of Online Stores in USA .

Technology: LED

Screen-size: 40in
3D: no
CMR: 120Hz
Processor: Quad-Core
Other Specs:
  • 2x HDMI
  • 1x USB
  • Audio 10W x2
Official WebSite (Full specs)

Samsung H5003 (

Other HDTVs similar to Samsung H5003:
We recommend you visit our buying guide LED TV 2014 before choosing a LED TV
  • Samsung H5500
Our review of the Samsung H5003 is good. This is a cheap LED TV. The Samsung H5003 has no extras, you can not connect to the Internet because you do not have Smart TV platform. This TV either has 3D, but if you want a TV just to watch the televison we recommend buying this TV.

Models name:
  • Samsung UN40H5003
You can visit our list with All models Samsung LED TV 2014 U.S.
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