Samsung H5203 Smart TV non-3D recommmended

The H5203 is a Samsung Smart TV Full HD 2014. This TV does not have 3D. The Samsung H5203 is the same as the Samsung H5500, but without Wi-Fi included and with a HDMI port less. For everything else are the same TV. A highly recommended by your television picture quality and for a comprehensive Smart TV, which has more applications available.

We recommend you review our post with: Samsung H5500 complete review, which is extrapolated to model Samsung H5203.

Specs Summary:
Technology: LED

Smart TV
Official WebSite (Full specs)

Other HDTVs similar to Samsung H5203:
We recommend you visit our buying guide LED TV 2014 before choosing a LED TV
Models name:
  • Samsung UN32H5203
  • Samsung UN40H5203
  • Samsung UN46H5203
  • Samsung UN50H5203
You can visit our list with All models Samsung LED TV 2014 U.S.
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