Samsung HU6950 4K non 3D 2014

The Samsung HU6950 is a TV 4K (UHD) TV 2014 .. This is a model of "low-range" without 3D but with ultra resolution. The Samsung HU6950 has good 2D image with a good contrast, but does not have the latest technological improvements as Precision Black. In fast-moving images such as sports may appear a bit ghosting effect because only has 240Hz, too low for a TV of this price. For the rest it is a complete TV with Smart TV and good connectivity.

Screen-size: 40, 50 and 55 inches
Technology: LED 4K UHD Dimming
Resolution: 3840x2160 Ultra HD 
CMR: 240Hz
Processor: Quad Core
  • 4x HDMI
  • 3x USB 
  • SmartTV
  • Web Browser
  • Samsung Smart Control
  • Voice control
  • Audio Power Output : 20W
View all specifications (Samsung website)

Design Samsung HU6950:

Difference between Samsung 4K series:
Others 4K TV like Samsung HU6950:
We recommend you to read our buying guide before deciding on this model. You can also read our comparison between all 4K 2014 models.
Our opinion on the Samsung HU6900 is not good. This is a lack of Hz TV for watching sports or action movies. The 4K resolution is really excellent, but this is an economic model UHD and lose points in other aspects such as: Does not include 3D​​, poor audio power ... If you want a HD TV Ultra at low price, we recommend you to buy the Smasung HU6950, but if you want a good TV we recommend the Samsung H7000, which is a FullHD but with 800Hz, high quality 2D picture and also 3D and extras.

Models name:
  • Samsung UN40HU6950
  • Samsung UN50HU6950
  • Samsung UN55HU6950
You can visit our list with All models: 4K UHD TV 2014 U.S.
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